Sailboat near sunset
 Alex near sunset
 "Hi Boat!", said Alex
 Alex, relaxing & enjoying a cold drink by the pool
 Mark catches a Red Drum
 Robert lands a big one (too big, had to throw it back)
 Duke got up at the crack of dawn for this
 Dad - enjoyingthe ride
 Shrimp boat heading in; Dolphin cruising near shore
 Suzie & Alex
 Shrimps boats at dock
 Seabrook Island view
 Alex enjoys his first man-sized ice cream cone
 Ice Cream!!!
 We like uncles who buy ice cream!
 After dinner, at the marina JK gets loud in the kid's ear
 Dining at Cappy's on inlet
 Robert, Alex & Grandpa JK
 Baby ducks outside Cappy's
 Alex enjoys his apple w/ Mom + Dad in Charleston
 Suzie, Mark, Dad & Duke at dinner in Charleston
 Dad (aka JK) & Duke cruising thru city market after dinner
 Charleston's oldest church, St Michael's (at dusk)